Little Westly had been developing his dance moves recently.
He pushes the button on his Mozart-playing turtle and proceeds to get his
groove on. He just started twirling. He bounces and does squats. He reaches up
on his tip-toes. And he runs around the room. I love it.
The funny thing is he is very serious about it. He enjoys it,
but you get a sense from him that he takes his dancing very seriously. Which makes
it all that much cuter.
I think he’s like his Mama. I enjoy writing immensely, but I also
take it pretty seriously. Almost too much so maybe sometimes. When I am getting
a little overwhelmed by my plot, or frustrated with landing a great title…
…I watch Westly dance and am reminded I need to do the same. And
we have a dance party. Though instead of Mozart, I move better to Taylor Swift
and Lady Gaga.
Aww this entry made me smile! There is no better break in the day than a mama-and-baby dance party =)