Sometimes it’s the little things, the simple things, that
can brighten a day. Here are a few little things that made me smile this last
Trader Joes Cheddar Snack: they finally came out with a healthier version of the Gold Fish cracker
and Cheez-It. I’ve been waiting for them to have an equivalent snack without
all the preservatives, etc.
Valentine decorations: West and I put up a few little hearts
and bought some conversational hearts
Email from an Editor: I submitted a short story for a kid’s
magazine a few months ago, and one of the editors emailed me asking if she
could keep my work a bit longer because she thinks she might be able to use it.
I said in not so many words, “Duh, yes!”
Get Smart Season 4: I got the next season on DVD and watch
it during nap time while I get things done. It tickles my funny bone!
New Chicken Pot Pie recipe: I found and cooked Martha
Stewart’s recipe and it was so yummy. A keeper!
Children’s Discovery Museum: I love this little gem in our
town. West loves it even more, and I’m thinking for his birthday we’ll get a
Writer’s Workshop: I attended one this Saturday. And as
always, I came away inspired, convicted, and enlightened.
Monday Holidays: Michael has today and next Monday off. Three-day weekends are the best for everyone!
What’s your bliss?