Monday, July 23, 2012

I Had a Dream...

Have any of you heard of the blog Cupcakes and Cashmere? It’s a super popular and successful blog that’s been recommended in tons of magazines like InStyle, Lucky, etc. The blog focuses on fashion, design, food, and living out your passions. The author of the blog—who is a friend of my sister-in-law, believe it or now—has published a book under the same title. The book is divided into the four seasons and gives fashion, design, and cooking ideas and tips for each.

It’s very inspiring and indulges my girly-ness!

And I can’t help thinking this girl, the author, is living her dream life with her dream job. I get a little envious…

…but then I remember, so am I.

I’m married to my best friend and the man of my dreams, I’m living out my dream of being a mom to my sweet little boy, I get to stay home and raise West, and I am officially an author.

I’m living’ the dream!

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